

Phoenixed host Glen McGregor is a veteran print and broadcast journalist who has spent more than 25 years covering federal politics on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.  Specializing in investigative and data reporting techniques, Glen’s work has won numerous media industry awards, including the Governor General’s Michener Award, the top prize in Canadian journalism.  His résumé includes work for the Ottawa Citizen, the National Post, The Walrus magazine, and CTV News, and many other outlets. His reporting has forced governments to introduce new legislation and triggered criminal investigations. He is also a journalism instructor who teaches other reporters to use investigative techniques to break stories.  His reporting has taken him on assignment to the United States, the United Kingdom, France, South America, Africa, China, Korea, Japan and to every province in Canada.


A new investigative podcast from the Global Payroll Association and Storythings dives deep into the Canadian government’s botched payroll transformation project — a $3 billion problem that still hasn’t been resolved.


The Global Payroll Association (GPA) backed and actively participated in the production of the Phoenixed podcast because the failure of the Phoenix pay system and its devastating ripple effect is sadly not an isolated event. Our CEO, Melanie Pizzey, immediately recognised the universality of the story as our membership and the wider payroll community have countless examples - from every region of the world - of the very real impact of failed payroll transformations.

The GPA is a comprehensive one-stop-shop of resources for global and in-country payroll professionals, with events uniting the payroll community, pooling expert knowledge and celebrating innovation and achievement.


‘’Figma ipsum component variant main layer. Pen component figjam’’

Episode 1


‘’Figma ipsum component variant main layer. Pen component figjam’’

Episode 2


‘’Figma ipsum component variant main layer. Pen component figjam’’

Episode 3


‘’Figma ipsum component variant main layer. Pen component figjam’’

Episode 4
